
There is a lot to take in here, and I do believe that we need to ALL be more tolerant of people we disagree with. But I would add:

1) Because some folks did it during the American Revolution doesn't make it right today.

2) One thing everyone needs to respect is others' private property.

3) There is absolutely no credible story of anyone being taken away to "parts unknown"... from everything I've seen they are being detained, processed, charged or not, and released.

4) The cancel culture thing is now undeniably real. We can whine about what the government is doing (one of my favorite pastimes), but we need to be careful how we treat each other. Destroying people's livelihoods, careers, reputations, job prospects, etc.. is not somehow OK because it's not the government doing it.

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Points 1 and 2 are ripe for healthy discussion - I may start a thread later. But I could not agree more with Butch on point 4. Cancel culture flies in the face of free speech.

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Just to be clear on item 3, although people who were policed off the street in unmarked vans were soon released (as early as 90 minutes) unharmed, the victims did not know this at the time and some were traumatized by the experience. I don't care if you are a Klansman dressed in sheets or a peace-nic hippy dressed as a ninja, as long as you are not breaking the law, the US Constitution prohibits this goon squad-like tactic. My passionate defense of the rights of Klansmen and Ninja Hippies have nothing to do with their politics or beliefs and everything with preserving what's left of the Land of the Free.

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Nice job editing Butch

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This is great stuff. It is so true that our nation was built on some seriously traumatic events. It is also incredibly true that passion often overtakes senses in defense of political parties. I think some of this comes down to family loyalty and feeling as if our politics prove our patriotism. (I believe our actions prove our patriotism. Indeed we can speak persuasively as we wish.) Our politics are just a way to justify hate speech and condescension. Communal perspective is curated by individual experience. If we tuned in to the experience strength and hope of We The People rather than persuasive platforms of party politics I believe we would find more humanity and less distress.

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“Persuasive platforms of party politics”... that’s good stuff. :)

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Love the consonance.

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