Oct 7, 2020Liked by Butch Porter

Hi Jessica,

Could you elaborate your opinion about the electoral college? For me, non US citizen, the electoral college in combination with a “winner takes it all” approach to who gets their vote leads to a two party system which leads to the currently extreme partisan divide in your society. Currently the middle of the road majority in regard of their political opinion has to choose between the lesser of two evils. With a true representation of voters will and more options to choose from I think you might be better of.

What do you think?



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See graph below where 51% of non voters lean Democratic and 30% lean.

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BTW, I just found this doc on Amazon about the EC. Haven’t had a chance to watch it.


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" Of the approximately 40% of the population that typically does not show up to vote in a national election, the solid majority are self-proclaimed Democrats."

Can you tell me where you got that information from? I am very interested.

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This is an excellent premise. I was raised conservative/republican + what drove me to favor democratic platforms was how the disabled are treated by Republican platforms. As though the disabled are lazy and want handouts. My father was disabled at 45 with six children. A humble baptist pastor with no financial cushion. I chose not to vote or even register for years. Eventually I was driven to vote by desperation because the Republican party had become so focused on fear and foreign soil. Also, Trump. I kinda knew that would be a disaster. The first election I voted in was 2016. I think this year will certainly be a surprising show at the polls as we have an entirely new generation eligible to vote with fresh eyes. I will be mailing my ballot along with many other disabled, registered democrats. My military spouse is also mailing his ballot. I believe democracy begins with principles which can be supported in government. However. The millennia old issue of greed and the power to control economies seems to break down many a democratic attempt at governance. (I do disagree regarding the electoral college. Specifically because the structure is a safe harbor for the real life systemic racism which is evident to all BIPOC Citizens of America. But I do not have a solution, so 🤷)

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