Great Conversation(s)
Rules of the Game
5. "Slow down, and think..."

5. "Slow down, and think..."

For our 5th episode, we’re on the “Zooms” again to chat with Chad Hamel, who runs the Coderschool in Ashburn, Virginia (down the road from your host). CoderSchool helps kids learn how to code, and through coding, how to think, to ask tough questions (mainly: “Why?). More on their program can be found at: CoderSchool Ashburn. 
We talk about the reason why coding is such a valuable tool, and Chad’s Rule, which is:

“Slow Down… and think.” (It’s almost like Ferris Bueller’s rule… but completely different)

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Great Conversation(s):
ROTG Podcast:

Great Conversation(s)
Rules of the Game
Host, Butch Porter, has conversations in his home town of Leesburg, VA, with good people, exploring "Great Ideas" which extend beyond the local, but often start there. We'll set up opportunities to participate, in person and online, for all Americans who are looking to go beyond the teams and explore ideas with love and intellectual curiosity.