
Thanks for the thought6 comments, guys. I appreciate hearing your perspectives. It’s appalling to me to hear about laws that require secrecy between parents and children. I’m not a big fan of legislation that erodes my influence and control as a parent based on “science”. Much of science is well established, but so much more of it is an evolving body of knowledge that must not be used as fodder for political manipulation. I fear we will continue to see a divide moving forward between those of us who value privacy, independence and autonomy with our individual health choices and those of us who value public accountability and establishing public health initiatives that take precedence over individual rights and desires. I will check out the link, David. Looks interesting and credible! And, Bill- prayers for your grandchild. Anecdotal reports need to be heard a little louder and given more credibility than is currently typical.

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I also enjoyed the presentation. There are some states, CA being an example where religious exemptions and other types of exemptions just don't exist. I have a grandson who became lights on nobody home within a week of getting his shot for measles and other ailments . Turns out that some kids have severe allergies to chemicals included in these vaccinations. In the case of my grandson it was Neomycin which is found in the vaccination for measles. I cant understand why the vaccinations have to be combined and why we can't test our children ahead of time for such allergies. In the case of my grandson not doing so turned my grandson from a happy go lucky, attentive 2 year old into a child who will have to be looked after and provided for the rest of his life. In the 1st place, I don't understand what the big problem in the US is with getting measles, mumps, Rubella, or chickenpox. When I was growing up my mother would purposefully get us exposed to the disease in the summer so we wouldn't miss any school. My friends and siblings were all treated the same way and we never heard about any long term effects or death. To me this whole thing is about control. BTW I have had all of those diseases which supposedly are controlled by the multiple symptom measles shot and don't seem to be affected in any negative way.

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Bill, I'm saddened to hear what happened with your grandson. I have heard many stories like this unfortunately, as I have done a good amount of work with artists who have autism. But they are silenced and slandered by the mainstream media. You're right in that there is no big deal with a healthy child getting the diseases you mentioned...both of my boys (but not yet my girl) have had chickenpox and measles, and it barely even bothered them.

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Jan 7, 2021Liked by Butch Porter

I applaud both of you for talking about these subjects, which unfortunately are so controversial nowadays! I enjoyed your doses of humor mixed in! Regarding state mandates for kids, many states have a philosophical exemption in addition to medical and religious exemptions. A full list can be seen at NVIC.org. Legislation is consistently being introduced in many states, though, including Virginia, to remove exemptions. In DC, a law was just passed that allows kids 11 years and older to consent to vaccines without parental consent, and actually requires medical providers and insurance companies to conceal from the parent if their child was vaccinated. One cannot ignore the complex web of financial conflicts of interest between government agencies, politicians, and the pharmaceutical industry. A couple excellent resources around vaccines that are pro-science and pro-transparency are childrenshealthdefense.org and the book "Dissolving Illusions: Disease, Vaccines and the Forgotten History". Dr. Zach Bush has brilliant podcasts about health as well. Lastly, of interest, a federal lawsuit was filed in December, in the U.S. District Court of California, to protect all Americans from discrimination based on vaccination status, and the litigators are presenting the results of a pilot study showing unvaccinated adults and children are much healthier than their vaccinated counterparts. Simultaneously, a group of German doctors and scientists (Extra-Parliamentary Corona Investigative Commission) are suing the World Health Organization in international court for crimes against humanity related to COVID-19, and preparing class-action lawsuits in the U.S. and Canada. Thanks again for the podcast, it helps to listen to sane people out there while I'm getting stopped at different places by the mask police for not fully covering my nose, which fogs up my glasses lol.

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